English to Swedish: more detail...
- controls:
- uppsikt; vård; administration; förmunderskap; myndighet; kontroll; makt; herravälde; bestämmanderätt; övervakning; tillsyn; bevakning; vaktande; överinseende; observation; själv behärskning; inställningsratt
- behärska; hålla tillbaka; undersöka; kontrollera; utvärdera; inspektera; testa; kolla; pröva; bestämma över; tämja; underkasta sig; besiktiga; titta på; kontrolera; hålla sig själv; tama; dressera; manipulera
- reglage; kontrollanordning; kontrollåtgärd; regleringsanordning
- control → kontroll, kontrollgrupp
- control → kontrollera
- control → styre, härskarmakt, herravälde, kontroll, makt, styra, styras, låta sig ledas, kontrollera, befallning, befäl, kommando, order, styrelse, regering, härska, regera
Detailed Translations for controls from English to Swedish
the controls (steering-wheel; handle-bar; steerage; driving-wheel; wheel; steering-gear)
the controls (steering-gear; steerage)
styrspakar noun
the controls (steering-gear; steerage)
controls (intruments)
Translation Matrix for controls:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
ratt | controls; driving-wheel; handle-bar; steerage; steering-gear; steering-wheel; wheel | steering shaft |
styrhjul | controls; driving-wheel; handle-bar; steerage; steering-gear; steering-wheel; wheel | driving wheels; driving-wheels; flywheels; steering-wheels |
styrinrättning | controls; steerage; steering-gear | |
styrmaskin | controls; steerage; steering-gear | |
styrspakar | controls; steerage; steering-gear | |
Other | Related Translations | Other Translations |
manöverorgan | controls; intruments |
Related Words for "controls":
controls form of control:
the control (guardianship; supervision; surveillance; administration; management)
the control (command)
the control (surveillance; monitoring; observation; supervision; care; watch)
the control (self-control; restraint; composure; cool)
the control (right of say)
the control (adjusting knob; regulator)
the control
– An object that enables user interaction or input, often to initiate an action, display information, or set values. 1
to control (moderate; subdue; keep back)
to control (examine; survey; inspect; view)
to control (test; examine; verify; inspect; check; try)
to control (examine; test; check; hear)
to control (restrain; suppress; keep under control)
to control (bring under control; subject; bring to submission; tame; overpower)
to control (look at; examine; view; scrutinize; inspect; verify; watch; check; scrutinise)
to control (restrain oneself)
to control (tame; domesticate; subdue)
to control (manipulate; keep in line)
– control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage 2
Conjugations for control:
- control
- control
- controls
- control
- control
- control
simple past
- controlled
- controlled
- controlled
- controlled
- controlled
- controlled
present perfect
- have controlled
- have controlled
- has controlled
- have controlled
- have controlled
- have controlled
past continuous
- was controlling
- were controlling
- was controlling
- were controlling
- were controlling
- were controlling
- shall control
- will control
- will control
- shall control
- will control
- will control
continuous present
- am controlling
- are controlling
- is controlling
- are controlling
- are controlling
- are controlling
- be controlled
- be controlled
- be controlled
- be controlled
- be controlled
- be controlled
- control!
- let's control!
- controlled
- controlling
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they
control (lever)
control (controlling device)
control (control measure)
Translation Matrix for control:
Related Words for "control":
Synonyms for "control":
Antonyms for "control":
Related Definitions for "control":
Wiktionary Translations for control:
Cross Translation:
- control → kontroll; kontrollgrupp
to exercise influence over, to suggest or dictate the behavior of
- control → kontrollera
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• control | → styre; härskarmakt; herravälde | ↔ Herrschaft — Regierungsgewalt, Art und Weise, in der man regieren |
• control | → kontroll; makt; herravälde | ↔ Herrschaft — Kontrolle über Dinge |
• control | → kontroll | ↔ Kontrolle — harte Form: Dominanz, volle Herrschaft über [1] |
• control | → styra; styras; låta sig ledas | ↔ lenken — transitiv, ohne Adverbiale der Richtung: etwas oder jemanden steuern; die Steuerungsgewalt über etwas oder jemanden innehaben, verfügen über etwas oder jemanden |
• control | → kontrollera | ↔ controleren — inspecteren, toezicht houden, onderzoeken, nazien |
• control | → befallning; befäl; kommando; order | ↔ commandement — À trier |
• control | → kontroll | ↔ contrôle — désuet|fr État nominatif des personnes qui appartenir à un corps, à une troupe. |
• control | → styrelse; regering | ↔ gouvernement — action, charge, ou manière de gouverner, de régir, d’administrer quelque chose, en particulier dans le domaine politique. |
• control | → härska; regera | ↔ gouverner — diriger une embarcation à l’aide d’un gouvernail. |
• control | → härska; regera | ↔ régner — exercer le pouvoir souverain dans un état monarchique ; il se dit des princes souverains, même quand ils ne portent pas le titre de roi. |
External Machine Translations: