
Detailed Translations for gathering from English to Dutch


gathering [the ~] noun

  1. the gathering (conference; consultation; meeting; talks; seminar)
    het overleg
    – het praten erover 1
    • overleg [het ~] noun
      • er was een overleg over dat probleem1
    de conferentie; de samenkomst; de beraadslaging
  2. the gathering (meeting; conference; assembly; symposium; congress)
    de vergadering; de manifestatie; de bijeenkomst; de samenkomst; de zitting
  3. the gathering (accumulation; collection; clutter; )
    de verzameling; de accumulatie; de opeenhoping; de sortering; de massa; het stel; de selectie; de ophoping
  4. the gathering (collection)
    de inzameling; de collecte
  5. the gathering (assembly)
    het samenzijn
  6. the gathering (assembling; crowd; accumulation; )
    de accumulatie; de groep; de bende; de samenscholing; de troep; de hoop
  7. the gathering
  8. the gathering
    de bijeenroeping
  9. the gathering (group; crowd)
    het oploopje; de samenkomst; de toeloop

Translation Matrix for gathering:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
accumulatie accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; compilation; crowd; gang; gathering; pack; party; pile; piling up; set; sifting; sorting accumulation; heap; load; pile; piling up
bende accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set accumulation; band; bunch; chaos; clan; clique; clutter; congestion; crowd; debris; gang; heap; herd; load; lot; mess; mountain; muddle; pack; party; troop; troupe; wattle
beraadslaging conference; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; talks
bijeenkomst assembly; conference; congress; gathering; meeting; symposium conference; congress; seminar; symposium
bijeenroeping gathering
collecte collection; gathering
conferentie conference; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; talks
groep accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set distribution group; distribution list; ensemble; group; party; theatre company; theatre group; theatrical company; troupe
hoop accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set a whole lot; accumulation; anticipation; bunch; clutter; congestion; crowd; expectation; gang; heap; herd; hope; load; lot; lots; mass; mess; mountain; muddle; multitude; outlook; pack; party; pile; piling up; prospect; quite a lot; shit; tons; troop; troupe; turd; wattle
inwinnen gathering
inzameling collection; gathering
manifestatie assembly; conference; congress; gathering; meeting; symposium demonstration; manifestation
massa accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting a whole lot; bunch; clutter; common herd; crowd; drove; flock; gang; group; heap; herd; horde; load; lot; mass; mob; multitude; pack; party; quite a lot; troop; troupe; wattle
opeenhoping accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; agglomeration; congestion; heap; load; mess; mountain; muddle; pile; piling up
ophoping accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting accumulation; heap; load; pile; piling up
oploopje crowd; gathering; group
overleg conference; consultation; gathering; meeting; seminar; talks
samenkomst assembly; conference; congress; consultation; crowd; gathering; group; meeting; seminar; symposium; talks
samenscholing accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set
samenzijn assembly; gathering
selectie accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting anthology; assortment; choice; choice selection of texts; pick; selection
sortering accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting assortment; collation; selection; shifting; sorting
stel accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting couple; match pair; pair; set; team; the two
toeloop crowd; gathering; group crowd; flow; influx; rush; squash; stampede
troep accumulation; assembling; bunch; clutter; collection; crowd; gang; gathering; party; set bungle; bungling; caboodle; chaos; common herd; confused heap; crowd; debris; drove; flock; gang; group; heap; herd; horde; jumble; mayhem; mess; mob; muddle; multitude; rubbish; trash
vergadering assembly; conference; congress; gathering; meeting; symposium Web conference; conference; meeting
verzameling accumulation; clutter; collection; compilation; gathering; pack; pile; piling up; sifting; sorting collection; compilation
zitting assembly; conference; congress; gathering; meeting; symposium
- assemblage; assembly; gather
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
groep group
inwinnen collect; gather; obtain
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- collection

Related Words for "gathering":

Synonyms for "gathering":

Antonyms for "gathering":

Related Definitions for "gathering":

  1. the act of gathering something2
  2. the social act of assembling2
  3. sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching2
  4. a group of persons together in one place2

Wiktionary Translations for gathering:

  1. bookbinding: group of sheets

Cross Translation:
gathering samenkomst Zusammenkunft — das Treffen mehrer Menschen, um etwas bestimmtes zu tun
gathering katern cahier — Feuilles d’un livre destinées à être assemblées dans la reliure.
gathering pluk cueilletteaction de cueillir.
gathering bijeenkomst; meeting; vergadering; samenkomst réunionaction de rapprocher, de réunir des parties qui avaient été diviser, désunir, isolées, ou résultat de cette action.


to gather verb (gathers, gathered, gathering)

  1. to gather (collect)
    verzamelen; vergaren; bijeenzoeken
    • verzamelen verb (verzamel, verzamelt, verzamelde, verzamelden, verzameld)
    • vergaren verb (vergaar, vergaart, vergaarde, vergaarden, vergaard)
    • bijeenzoeken verb (zoek bijeen, zoekt bijeen, zocht bijeen, zochten bijeen, bijeengezocht)
  2. to gather (collect)
    verzamelen; vergaren; inzamelen
    • verzamelen verb (verzamel, verzamelt, verzamelde, verzamelden, verzameld)
    • vergaren verb (vergaar, vergaart, vergaarde, vergaarden, vergaard)
    • inzamelen verb (zamel in, zamelt in, zamelde in, zamelden in, ingezameld)
  3. to gather (meet; assemble; come together)
    samenkomen; bijeenkomen
    • samenkomen verb (kom samen, komt samen, kwam samen, kwamen samen, samengekomen)
    • bijeenkomen verb (kom bijeen, komt bijeen, kwam bijeen, kwamen bijeen, bijeengekomen)
  4. to gather (collect; glean)
    verzamelen; oogsten; plukken
    • verzamelen verb (verzamel, verzamelt, verzamelde, verzamelden, verzameld)
    • oogsten verb (oogst, oogstte, oogstten, geoogst)
    • plukken verb (pluk, plukt, plukte, plukten, geplukt)
  5. to gather (bundle; join; unite)
    • bundelen verb (bundel, bundelt, bundelde, bundelden, gebundeld)
  6. to gather (assemble; accumulate; amass; collect)
    verzamelen; verenigen
    • verzamelen verb (verzamel, verzamelt, verzamelde, verzamelden, verzameld)
    • verenigen verb (verenig, verenigt, verenigde, verenigden, verenigd)
  7. to gather (harvest; pick; reap)
    oogsten; plukken; binnen halen
  8. to gather (pick up; glean; collect)
    oprapen; oppikken; opsnappen; oppakken
    • oprapen verb (raap op, raapt op, raapte op, raapten op, opgeraapt)
    • oppikken verb (pik op, pikt op, pikte op, pikten op, opgepikt)
    • opsnappen verb (snap op, snapt op, snapte op, snapten op, opgesnapt)
    • oppakken verb (pak op, pakt op, pakte op, pakten op, opgepakt)
  9. to gather (rake)
    • harken verb (hark, harkt, harkte, harkten, geharkt)
  10. to gather (obtain; collect)
    inwinnen; trachten te krijgen
  11. to gather (pack up; scrape together; pack together; range together)
    samenrapen; samenpakken; bijeen scharrelen
    • samenrapen verb (raap samen, raapt samen, raapte samen, raapten samen, samengeraapt)
    • samenpakken verb (pak samen, pakt samen, pakte samen, pakten samen, samengepakt)
    • bijeen scharrelen verb (scharrel bijeen, scharrelt bijeen, scharrelde bijeen, scharrelden bijeen, bijeen gescharreld)
  12. to gather (scrape together)
    • bijeenrapen verb (raap bijeen, raapt bijeen, raapte bijeen, raapten bijeen, bijeengeraapt)
  13. to gather (get together)
  14. to gather (sweep together)
    bij elkaar vegen
    • bij elkaar vegen verb (veeg bij elkaar, veegt bij elkaar, veegde bij elkaar, veegden bij elkaar, bij elkaar geveegd)

Conjugations for gather:

  1. gather
  2. gather
  3. gathers
  4. gather
  5. gather
  6. gather
simple past
  1. gathered
  2. gathered
  3. gathered
  4. gathered
  5. gathered
  6. gathered
present perfect
  1. have gathered
  2. have gathered
  3. has gathered
  4. have gathered
  5. have gathered
  6. have gathered
past continuous
  1. was gathering
  2. were gathering
  3. was gathering
  4. were gathering
  5. were gathering
  6. were gathering
  1. shall gather
  2. will gather
  3. will gather
  4. shall gather
  5. will gather
  6. will gather
continuous present
  1. am gathering
  2. are gathering
  3. is gathering
  4. are gathering
  5. are gathering
  6. are gathering
  1. be gathered
  2. be gathered
  3. be gathered
  4. be gathered
  5. be gathered
  6. be gathered
  1. gather!
  2. let's gather!
  3. gathered
  4. gathering
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for gather:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
inwinnen gathering
oprapen picking up
samenkomen assemble; forgather
- gathering
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bij elkaar vegen gather; sweep together
bijeen krijgen gather; get together
bijeen scharrelen gather; pack together; pack up; range together; scrape together
bijeenkomen assemble; come together; gather; meet
bijeenrapen gather; scrape together
bijeenzoeken collect; gather
binnen halen gather; harvest; pick; reap call in
bundelen bundle; gather; join; unite bundle
harken gather; rake
inwinnen collect; gather; obtain
inzamelen collect; gather
oogsten collect; gather; glean; harvest; pick; reap
oppakken collect; gather; glean; pick up apprehend; arrest; capture; detain; hold; imprison; pick up; seize; take in custody; take prisoner
oppikken collect; gather; glean; pick up absorb; acquire; collect; fetch; gain; get the hang of; learn; pick up; receive; study
oprapen collect; gather; glean; pick up
opsnappen collect; gather; glean; pick up
plukken collect; gather; glean; harvest; pick; reap pluck
samenkomen assemble; come together; gather; meet assemble; come together; enjoin; forgather; get together; join; see each other; to gather; visit
samenpakken gather; pack together; pack up; range together; scrape together
samenrapen gather; pack together; pack up; range together; scrape together
trachten te krijgen collect; gather; obtain
verenigen accumulate; amass; assemble; collect; gather
vergaren collect; gather collect; gather together; glean; horde; pick up; save
verzamelen accumulate; amass; assemble; collect; gather; glean collect; gather together; glean; horde; pick up; save; see each other; to gather; visit
- accumulate; amass; assemble; collect; conglomerate; cumulate; foregather; forgather; gain; garner; get together; meet; pile up; pucker; pull together; tuck
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- assmeble; fester; gather up; pick up; procure; secure; understand

Related Words for "gather":

Synonyms for "gather":

Antonyms for "gather":

Related Definitions for "gather":

  1. the act of gathering something2
  2. sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching2
  3. increase or develop2
    • the car gathers speed2
  4. collect or gather2
  5. conclude from evidence2
    • I gather you have not done your homework2
  6. look for (food) in nature2
    • Our ancestors gathered nuts in the Fall2
  7. draw together into folds or puckers2
  8. draw and bring closer2
    • she gathered her shawl around her shoulders2
  9. assemble or get together2
    • gather some stones2
  10. collect in one place2
    • Let's gather in the dining room2
  11. get people together2
    • gather the close family members2

Wiktionary Translations for gather:

  1. to bring together; to collect
  1. bij elkaar brengen
  2. bijeenbrengen
  3. bijeenkomen
  4. beetje bij beetje bijeenbrengen

Cross Translation:
gather verzamelen; opdoen sammelnunsystematisches Suchen, Erhalten und darauf folgendes Benutzen/Verbrauchen
gather collecteren; innen; inzamelen; oogsten; plukken; rapen; verzamelen collectionner — Réunir en collections.
gather afleiden; besluiten; concluderen; een gevolgtrekking maken conclure — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
gather oprapen; plukken; afplukken; tokkelen; afbreken; afrukken; wegscheuren cueillirdétacher des fruits, des fleurs, des légumes de leurs branches ou de leurs tiges.
gather abstraheren; afleiden; deduceren déduiresoustraire d’une somme à payer telle ou telle fraction qui n’est pas à verser.
gather op een stapel zetten; opeenhopen; ophopen; stapelen; opstapelen; opeenstapelen; tassen entassermettre en tas.
gather collecteren; innen; inzamelen; oogsten; plukken; rapen; verzamelen; opeenhopen; ophopen; stapelen; opstapelen; opeenstapelen; tassen ramasser — Faire un amas, un assemblage, une collection de choses.
gather afhalen; meebrengen; meenemen; vergaderen; medenemen; medebrengen; collecteren; innen; inzamelen; oogsten; plukken; rapen; verzamelen; groeperen; ophopen; opeenhopen; stapelen; opstapelen; opeenstapelen; tassen rassemblerassembler de nouveau des personnes, des bêtes ou des choses qui disperser.
gather accepteren; aannemen; ontvangen; oogsten; collecteren; innen; inzamelen; plukken; rapen; verzamelen recueillir — (vieilli) rassembler les fruits d’une terre, en faire la récolte ; on dit plutôt « récolter ».

External Machine Translations:

Related Translations for gathering